Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Conservative Quotient

Conservative (Intelligence) Quotient

Measure your Conservative (Intelligence) Quotient. Each principle below that you agree with is
worth 15 points. Partial credit is allowed.
1. Homeland security, border security
2. Strong Military
3. Appoint judges who will not legislate from the bench
4. Reduce taxes, cut spending, reduce the size of government, line item veto, simplify the tax code
5. Reduce Washington's role, increase state and local control, eliminateunfunded mandates
6. Energy independence, drill here, clean coal, nuclear power, support development of solar, wind and geothermal power
7. Reform Social Security and Medicare to achieve solvency
8. Promote family values, preserve family rights, increase Fetus rights
9. Support gun rights
10. Support faith based and other social charities
11. Increase competition for education, promote School Vouchers and magnet schools
A score of 150 or better makes you a Conservative Genius. A score of 100 or less makes you "Politically Challenged"

Conservative Quotient